Again, these pictures are not in the right order, but you get the idea. Here the roof is being added. This is the front of the building with out the pilars and decoration. This is a picture of the external and internal framing about to be completed and getting ready to pour some curbing.
Luke and I had a blast fishing this stretch below the dam. It was crazy how we couldn't get a fish to move all day because of the heat, then right at dusk a hatch went off and the fish went CRAZY. They went after anything on the surface. I had a demolished dunn with a parachute and I had to fish down stream just so I could see the shadow of the parachute in the sunset on the water. Good times in Idaho. We probably caught and released 18 fish in as many minutes. Literally one cast after another. Every fish was between 13-16 inches. Here it was getting really dark. I told Luke that the fish wouldn't touch his fly as long as he had a KC hat on, but he proved me wrong and caught a lot of hogs. Even duke was having a good time. I think he would rather be studying in medical school rather than fish....but that grin does not mean he is miserable. Nice stinkin' fish duke.
The hatch was crazy! Swarms of flies going everywhere. Fish on!
Luke is part dog. He actually caught this in his mouth. Mark is actually part Adam Sandler....."Saaabaaadoo-hooohooo!" Deadwood Res. had forest fires going in every direction. In the background is a plume of smoke from the Lowman fire. By the way, nice farmer's tan, duke. Luke is 26 almost and he still can't swim, poor little fellow has to wear his jacket around knee deep water.