Grumpy baby boy
Ty outside the "shoe" at OSU
( I miss Ohio)
Ty outside the "shoe" at OSU
( I miss Ohio)
So just to keep this blog as a journal for my kids someday I want to write down things they do to make me laugh -- so bare with me on some of my posts.
So, Ty has a great teacher Miss Chelsea. He spends three days a week at the Nazarene Church daycare, and loves, loves, loves, Miss Chelsea.
Also, several months ago Ty asked me "what's married mean" He was curious about what it meant and why people got married anyway. I told him Zach and I got married so we could have him and Bryton to make us happy. He thought that was a good answer. Months later, he asked me if I would have a baby so he could have another sister. I told him no because I only bought 2 seeds so that's all we get. (Ty thinks you buy baby seeds at the store, the mommy swallows them and the baby grows in her tummy -- which I don't care what all the expert books say about lying to your kids -- I like him believing, for now, in that story it saves me from a lot of other questions he may have) Well, anyway I told him when he grows up and gets married he can buy as many seeds as he wants and have that many babies. He then said that he was going to marry Miss Chelsea and they would buy 5 seeds.
Well, Bryton also goes to that daycare and the teachers love her. So, Miss Chelsea (who was the one who told me this story) teases Ty that she's going to take Bryton home with her. One day, when she asked Ty if she could have Bryton, Ty said "No, because my mom would be sad, but when I grow up and we get married we can have our own Bryton." :-) Then last weekend Ty and I went Christmas shopping for a family, and on the way home I was explaining to Ty why we were helping a family at Christmas was to help these kids have presents so they can be happy. He thought that was nice and I asked him what he can do to make people happy -- he said he was going to marry Miss Chelsea because that would make her happy. (which I thought was sweet -- I wish Zach still talked to me that way :-) ) However, with this much talk about marrying her, I don't know if Miss Chelsea thinks it's funny or a bit freaky!! Tyger you are so tender-hearted and we love you "all the days and all the nights."
Mom and Ty camping