Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter Sports

The best perk of being a DDS is the fact that specialists try to wine and dine you. Zach got Boise Steelhead tickets from an Oral Surgeon so we took Ty and Zach's friend Mark. Our tickets were on the front row right on the ice as you can see from the picture. I thought it was pretty good, besides the fact that I'm not a hockey fan. That was until .... Chuck the Puck!! I saw kids buying them before the game then during one of the intermissions (or whatever you call the 2 breaks the game has), Zach took Ty to get ice cream and then Mark turns to me and says "I think we better move." But before we got the chance a bunch of kids starting throwing pucks on the ice. It was then I realized our seats weren't so great. Mark got hit once. Luckily it first hit the glass then bounced off and hit him. :-) This is what the ice looked like after they were done throwing.
Ty wasn't really into the game but was so excited about his dippin' dots ice cream.
Then during a power play (don't ask me what that is) a girl came and handed me a envelope with a coupon for free ice cream. She said they hand them out during power plays, and that she could see my little boy loves ice cream. Ty thought that was the best.
MLK weekend I took Ty skiing. Zach and I have taken him the last two years and it was miserable, but I really want him to ski. So, I braved taking him myself while my mom watched Bryton. I expected the same as the previous years, crying and not wanting to let go of my legs, but to my surprise we got to the top of the tow rope and he took off. The more I tried to teach technique the more frustrated he got, so I finally shut up and just let him go. He fell a bunch, and even yelled at his skiis a few times for taking him the wrong way, but over all did better than I thought. He said he loved it and Nanny, Papa, and Bryton came at the end of the day to see his progress. I am so excited that Ty is finally interested in at least one sport :-)


The Hammond Family Blog said...

It was good to see you and your kids over the weekend. Keep enjoying them.

Ashton & Co. said...

Cute pics! I've never been to a hockey game...looks interesting!

The Neeleys said...

Looks like fun! I want to teach the girls to ski sometime...I just don't think I am brave enough to try yet. Cute pictures!

Robin said...

I can't believe how big Ty is! Email me so I can send an invite- Melissa said you want one.
sjostromgirls at yahoo