Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Independent Bree & Halloween

As Bryton is getting bigger and we start to see more of her personality, all I can say is I'm in over my head with this one. She is the most independent kid. She has to feed herself, she only gives loves on her time, expects Ty-ger to always share with her, and never shares with him -- in fact she takes his stuff away from him and throws fits if he tries to get it back. She doesn't want to sit in a high chair -- or booster - it has to be in an adult chair, wants you to read her books on command -- but don't touch the book - she has to hold it and turn the pages. On the playground she has to climb the stairs herself - sit down on the slide herself - and go down all by herself. The list could go on, she wears me out!!! Also if you notice her face in these pictures of her with me or Ty she always has the "I'm in charge look on her face, and you two aren't any fun." Then look at her face in the picture of her and her Daddy (who totally gives into her) that pretty much sums her up.

So, I can see I'm going to have issues with her. Ty has his own issues and the one I'm dealing with lately is really dumb. Most kids as super excited for Halloween, the candy and dressing up. Ty isn't. He's afraid. I've tried everything. Showed him costumes in the store (ones that aren't scary), put Bryton in her costume almost daily so he can see his little sister can do it, decorated our house to get him excited (of which I hate to do because orange and black are by far the ugliest colors together), but he refuses to dress up as anything. Last year he refused as well - but I was sure this year he would be excited especially after being with his cousins last year and seeing them dress up. Nope, every time I ask him what he wants to be for Halloween he YELLS "I told you Mom, I want to be a nothing," or " I want to be zero." I've even tried bribing him with things he wants if he'll just dress up, and he still refuses. So if anyone has a better idea on how to get my 4 year old to quit being a baby I'm up for suggestions.


Noelle and Corey said...

That is so funny that Ty doesn't want to dress up. Maybe you'll just have to think of something he can be while wearing his normal clothes! He's gotta have a baseball uniform or something?!

I can't imagine where Bree gets her independence from. . . I didn't know you as a child, but judging how you are as an adult, that independence started somewhere. I bet your mom could enlighten us as to how you were at that age!

Ormeeheads said...

Just let him be nothing. I would love it if my kids wanted not to dress up, I hate coming up with costumes! That's probably not what you wanted to hear. Good luck!

Melissa Cantwell said...

I love that second picture. It cracks me up. She is so dang cute though.

Anonymous said...

My kind of kid. I hate Halloween.
By the way I know exactly where Ms Bree gets it. She does have the last name of Haws! Just like her dad right:)

The Neeleys said...

Way to go on the blog! I just looked at it for the first time with all your cute family pics - your kids are darling. We miss you guys! Wish we could get together for those OSU games.

The Pena family said...

Sounds like you have your hands full. You're kids are so cute though. I wish I had advice for Ty...I was annoyed enough that our Ty wanted to be a power ranger last year, I thought it was so lame especially since he doesn't even watch the show, but what can you do??? Good luck. Maybe just let him hand out the candy???

Ashton & Co. said...

Hey Anneliese! I found you on Eli and Nicole's blog! You have sucha sweet family. Sounds like your little guy loves Halloween! :) You look so cute in your family picture. I have a blog but it's private. If you want, email me at and I'll invite you in. It's such a fun way to keep in touch! I hope you are doing good! Please keep in touch! I love seeing your cute kids!:)

Ashton & Co. said...

By the way, this is MIchelle Summers (Ashton)- I forgot to say that! :)

Mike and Erin Hale said...

Hey! I don't have Robins blog. I haven't been invited into it. Maybe Meliss does.