Tuesday, July 21, 2009

He loves me, he loves me not

So I got another note from Ty taped to my hallway wall (not the same hallway I found Bryton's stinky mess) it read;

(I love Mom and Dad for HOURS HOURS HOURS)

it took a long time for me to figure out the HOURS (AWRS) but if you sound it out phonetically it actually works :-)

I must have given him whatever he wanted on that day. He doesn't get something, he hates me -- he gets what he wants and he loves me. I can totally see me doing the same thing to my parents. I wonder if they thought it was as funny as I do??

1 comment:

The Hammond Family Blog said...

Anneliese you should scan those precious notes. Ty is hilarious. Very intellectual too. Must take after you!!!